(TH) Our fees take into consideration the high quality of the materials we use, our strong commitment to continuing education, and the depth of our experience.We do our best to make dentistry affordable by offering several financing choices. You can choose the one that’s right for you.
Our administrative staff is highly skilled in maximizing insurance benefits for you but insurance will generally pay for only a portion of your treatment.Financing options include:
Pre-payment: We make a 5% accounting adjustment for those without insurance who make a payment in full by cash or check or credit card on the same day as treatment. We accept Visa, MasterCard and American Express. There is a 10% accounting adjustment for Seniors (age 62 +) without insurance who pay in full on same day of treatment.In-office payment agreement: (Short-term) in–office payment plans are available with some treatment plans. You can discuss this possibility with our administrative staff prior to start of treatment plan.
Extended-term financing: Patients who want to pay for their treatment over an extended period of time can charge it to their Visa, MasterCard or American Express card.Care Credit: A healthcare credit card specifically designed to pay for treatments and procedures not covered by insurance. www.carecredit.comCiti Health Card: Lets you finance your family’s healthcare services over time. www.healthcard.citicards.com